The most common thing I hear in my office is, “I haven’t had any traumatic
experiences – so why am I feeling this way?” You may be experiencing a sense of
overwhelm, have unjustified fears, feel irritated, angry, or anxious
more than you “should.” These symptoms are often caused by current or
past distressing life experiences. It could be something that someone said to you a
long time ago that stuck with you. Or an experience that seems common but
impacted you negatively. It may also be divorce, death of a loved one, difficult
relationships, or a difficult work situation.
Often, events in your current life can seem overwhelming due to distressing events
from the past that you may or may not understand. They can be small events that
had more impact than you might comprehend at the time. We have to widen our definition
of trauma to include bad experiences that may seem minor but have effected us in
ways in which we’re not aware. In addition, small events that happened repeatedly
can add up to big impact. Trauma and bad experiences are “dose related.” The
more you have, the more symptoms can increase. Events that initially seem
unrelated can be woven together in our minds in ways that can be understood with
trauma-informed therapy.
I can help you manage your thoughts so your thoughts don’t control you, and help
you heal the unprocessed bad experiences that are getting in your way of living the
life you want.